Sunday, June 14, 2009

life's full of surprises

Just when you think nothing can ever go right, or life's just out to fuck you over... something happens that changes your mind. It may not be a huge thing that changes the course of your future, but even the little things that make you smile... as long as it makes you stop and realize that life's not so bad.
We make plans and spend so much time focusing on what we think we want or what we think is supposed to happen... then when it doesn't work out they way we want, our life is over... Why do we do that to ourselves? I'm just as guilty of it, even lately. My plans that I thought I had all worked out, suddenly seem to be falling apart, and at first I was upset, hurt and disappointed. Then tonight... BAM! Something new just sort of fell into my lap (so to speak) and now, who knows what's ahead for me. But I have finally learned what it means to go with the flow. I'm not going to plan my life out ten years at a time, I'm not going to assume something then get disappointed when it doesn't happen. I'm just going to take life one day at a time and see where it takes me. Live life to the fullest, throw caution to the wind, and any other relevant cliche I can think of...
I bet the Goddess is looking down and me and laughing "I told you so..."

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