Sunday, March 6, 2011

movin' and shakin'

With the final decision being made to move to Jimmy's house in south MO, things are starting to pick up around here. We're slowly but surely getting things packed away, money saved up, and grand plans made for cleaning and remodeling the house. It's going to take about $700 for the moving truck and gas, but there's no other way to get all of our shit down south in one trip. I'm so excited about getting the house set up and making it truly our place. We really need to have a place of our own!

 Work has been going pretty good. I've made some fantastic friends while there, and it's going to be sad when I transfer to the other store. I'm going to miss everyone so much, but that's what facebook is for, right? 

The only thing that has been a downer for me lately is that there are about six cashiers that are pregnant... it gets a little depressing trying to be happy for everyone one else who's having a baby, while we still can't. I never heard from the people at TLC for being cast on A Conception Story. That wasn't completely unexpected, but still a bummer.  I'm really thinking that once we get moved and have our own house, there will be less stress and we won't have as much trouble getting pregnant... at least I hope that's how it goes!

Friday, January 21, 2011

another day, another dollar

Got home from another fabulous day at the wonderful WalMart. I have to say, as far as retail jobs go, this one isn't half bad. I make decent wages, have good hours, and have met some nice people. I just stay away from any drama, and I'm fine.

When I woke up this morning, it was snowing again... while I think it's beautiful, I really wish it would stop. I want to be able to take this trip to south MO to see Jimmy's mom, and if it's snowing, we aren't going to go.

Well, I can't really think of anything witty or inspiring to write tonight... I just wanted to make sure that I didn't get as behind with my blog as I have in the past. so... at least i posted something, right?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What to make of this new year...

So, after some creative stumbling, I found where to track my stats on this blog... and since I have started it, there has been a whopping 39 pageviews! aren't I the popular one? what I don't get is that 13 are from Russia, and I don't know anyone from Russia other than my aunt who has been living in the States for 14 years or so. Hmmm, maybe my musings will become famous in Russia, like Hasselhoff is famous in Germany! Somehow I doubt it...

I just watched the movie Julie &Julia, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but it got me daydreaming about being a successful blogger. Fantasies about people reading my words, laughing at my sarcastic wit, filled my head for days. Of course, this is the first update I've made since December of last year. I suppose to become famous, I'll have to keep up a little more.

Onto the actual updating... It's now 2011, and to show for it, we have another new dog, tickets to another kickass concert, and I'm still working at WalMart... BUT my car is paid off, our rent has gone down, and we're planning a trip to visit Jimmy's family. The new concert is our Valentine's gift to each other. Last Valentine's Day was not what either one of us had hoped for, simply because we had to travel the entire weekend. We ended up spending time with the kids that weekend, which was fine, just not the ideal first Valentine's Day together. So this year, we will be spending it with Neil Fallon and Lemmy! That's right, the great Clutch is touring with... *drumroll* MOTORHEAD! It should be a night of pure epic-ness!

So... that's my update, I guess. Not really much going on around here. Things haven't changed much... Here's to a new year of surprises and excitement! Cheers!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

When life hands you lemons...

...give life a paper cut and squeeze lemon juice on it!
So it's been a year since I updated this thing... which just proves that life gets in the way sometimes. It also shows what a busy and crazy year we've had! Jimmy and I are doing great, about to celebrate our first anniversary :) I love him so much, and I'm really luck to have him in my life!
There has been some stress for us this year, and I'm not going to get into the whole thing. Just picture the ex-wife, psycho-bitch from Hell and you've got a pretty good idea of what we've been though. I miss the boys everyday, and I know that Jimmy feels the same. I just hope that someday things will smooth out and I'll get to see them again.
my writing has been put on hold for a while. But not permanently! I'm determined to finish this story, even if it kills me! However, that pesky life thing again, I just don't always have the time or energy to spend on it. I'm working again, hooray for Wal-Mart! I actually don't mind this job, it's kinda fun and definitely easy... and it's extra money, which will really come in handy this Christmas!
We have a new edition to the family... and we lost one. Jimmy and I lost a baby in January. It was devastating, but we've moved on and we're trying again. Bright spot in things is we have an adorable dog, just 3 months old now. His name is Dexter and he's brilliantly mischievous! He's really a great dog and has brought a lot of smiles into the house!
There's really not much else to write about... Life moves on, with or without us... another Christmas is here, and soon another year will have passed. Here's to hoping that 2011 will be better than 2010!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Been a long time...

You know, a lot can happen when you don't post anything for six months... Not too long after my last post, I met Jimmy... and now I'm married to Jimmy! It's amazing how your life can completely turn 180 in such a short amount of time... He is truly the most amazing, sweetest, funniest man I've ever met, such a change of pace considering my first marriage and the total clusterfuck that it turned out to be. Things now are better than ever. I wish so much that I had met Jimmy years ago, it would have saved both of us a lot of heartache.

(oh and not only do i have a new husband, i have two stepsons. Skyler is 11 and Max is 6... they are adorable! The thought of being a stepmom kinda threw me at first, but the boys are really great, and I'm looking forward to getting to know them better and being a part of their lives.)

Life is a crazy bitch sometimes... just when you think it's time to give up, something great comes along and you find yourself surprisingly happy! I mean, who would have guessed that in a years time, i would have divorced the fucktard that I was with, suffered through some really disastrous dates, met some guy who lives on the opposite corner of the state, fallen in love, gotten married, and now we're getting ready to move into his house in south MO... things couldn't be better!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well, i've come to the conclusion that for the most part, men are douche bags. There are a few exceptions, such as D, but generally, they all can fuck off. I was really enjoying spending time with K, when we actually could make time to spend together... but that just blew up completely for some reason. So, in moving on, I've been spending a lot of time with B, only to have my texts avoided tonight, when we had plans. Then there's T, who's really sweet, but totally not for me... no spark, no chemistry. Which is too bad, because he's a nice guy.
LOL I guess I'm going to have to go through the entire alphabet before I find the right guy! well, it'll be an adventure...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

life's full of surprises

Just when you think nothing can ever go right, or life's just out to fuck you over... something happens that changes your mind. It may not be a huge thing that changes the course of your future, but even the little things that make you smile... as long as it makes you stop and realize that life's not so bad.
We make plans and spend so much time focusing on what we think we want or what we think is supposed to happen... then when it doesn't work out they way we want, our life is over... Why do we do that to ourselves? I'm just as guilty of it, even lately. My plans that I thought I had all worked out, suddenly seem to be falling apart, and at first I was upset, hurt and disappointed. Then tonight... BAM! Something new just sort of fell into my lap (so to speak) and now, who knows what's ahead for me. But I have finally learned what it means to go with the flow. I'm not going to plan my life out ten years at a time, I'm not going to assume something then get disappointed when it doesn't happen. I'm just going to take life one day at a time and see where it takes me. Live life to the fullest, throw caution to the wind, and any other relevant cliche I can think of...
I bet the Goddess is looking down and me and laughing "I told you so..."